10 reps as fast as you can

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 squat jumps

5 reps as fast as you can (so go through this line up 5x)

  • 25 squats
  • 20 sit-upsPicture 31
  • 15 tricep push-ups
  • 10 jump squats
  • 5 push-ups

10 reps as fast as you can

  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 crunches
  • 10 tuck jumps
  • 10 v-sits




I was in the gym the other day and read something to the effect of:

Do these 5 things to be healthierPicture 27

1. Quit smoking

2. Eat better

3. Exercise more

4. Get more sleep

5. blah…blah…blah…

I’m reading this and I’m like, huh, no shit, I just do those few things and I can be healthier???  Even the most uninformed person knows that eating an apple is healthier than your drive-thru cheeseburger and that smoking is eventually going to kill you.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get this stuff!  The problem that needs to be addressed is HOW are you going to do this???  It’s not as simple as reading a check list and then everything clicks and you are magically eating salads instead of McDonalds everyday at lunch.  It’s just not that easy if it were we’d all be health rock stars.

What I tell my clients is a good way to start eating better is to pick one meal and change it for the better for a week(or just focus on a day at a time!), and then start adding in other things.  If you go to crazy all at once you’ll burn out and most likely wont reach your goals.  So just pick one thing to change.  Say lunch, instead of going out pack one.  Don’t even worry about what it is at first just make the change from eating out to bringing your own.  Later you can get in to the nutrition side of things and figure out what the best thing to be eating  is.

One day at a time one thing at a time…start small and keep repeating…that’s how you see the big changes over time.  Think lifetime not quick fix.  If you can’t see yourself doing X in 30 years then there no reason to be doing it now.

March 1st and we are rolling out the new monthly challenge.  This month we will be focusing on your core with 5 different exercises at 20 reps each for a total of 100 core exercises each day!

Here’s a list of them and to see exactly how to do them check out the exercise libraryPicture 105

  • 20 Knee hug crunches
  • 20 Plank jacks
  • 20 V-sits
  • 20 Plank to push-ups
  • 20 Russian twists

Put them together in any order you like and be sure and do even reps on the plank to push-ups!

***Are you in the Madison area and ready for a new challenge?!  Come and try one of my 30 min express classes…first one is free!

*For more motivation and inspiration ‘like’ us on Facebook here!

Time for a new challenge!  You knew it was coming, it was only a matter of time and so here you have it!  We are going to end this year with a bang…Decembers challenge is 100 burpees a day.  100 no push-up involved burpees.  You up for it?!  Of course you are.  Get your friends, co-workers and those family members you love the most and have them join you on this challenge!  Picture 40

Come join me on Facebook and stay in the loop!  Once you get there upload your photos of the crazy places you get your burpees on at!

Dear God:

Posted: November 24, 2012 in Inspiration
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I share this with you because I am not the only one, every one of us, whether you are now or will be in the future, will face a suck the wind out of you hit.  I have been blessed(this is seething with sarcasm) with being dealt many hits, and so here is me, here is what I do, what I believe and what I will continue to do.  I do not do this for pity or for shine but for that one person, that person who reads this and has that click, that switch that flips and says, you know what, I CAN fight this battle, I CAN overcome this obstacle, I AM stronger than I think I am and I WILL do this.  So here you have it, my letter to God.

Dear God:  It is my summation that you have big plans for me.  I keep getting knocked down only to get up and be stronger.  I am however very tired of getting waves of fear, stress and uncertainty swept over me but I will keep rising.  I can rise or I can fall.  I am unsure as to what my future is or why you have chosen this path for me but I will continue to follow it, continue to look adversity in the face and figure out some way some how to conquer it.  That is who I am and who I have been taught to be.  I will get up, stand up, and face every storm I am thrown.  That being said I would like to thank you for giving me the gift of connecting with people and growing strong in my relationships before I faced this life I am living now.  It is those connections, those bonds, the strength of those around me that has allowed me to rise at every knock down.  It may take me an hour or a month but it happens, you send the right person and they lift me up, they show me the way, the teach me the lesson.  So, as much as I am tired, I am not fearful.  I have faith, I know that I have been given this life for a reason, I have been given the awesome gift of rising to the challenge to show others it is possible.  This you have given to me and I thank you for that.

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Day 1 of the November challenge is here!  My veggies are on the stove sauteing waiting for the eggs to be put in.  This morning its 2 small peppers, mushrooms, 1 jalapeno pepper and spinach.  So I’ve got my minimum for the day done but I’m not stopping there!  Are you just starting out and pushing yourself to do the 4 servings or are you already doing 4 a day and challenging yourself in a different way…please share I’d love to hear what you are doing!

And don’t forget, it’s November 1st, have you thought about your November goals…are they written down?  Remember there are no limits on what your goals can be.  The last two months mine have been to become a better more creative mom (check and check!) and to grow deeper in my faith (still a work in progress but I made progress!) so those are two big ones for me and without them written down and starting me in the face on my chalkboard everyday I most likely wouldn’t have made it that far in them.  But I made specific goals and hit a good number of them, I’m not stressing about the things I didn’t do but focusing on what I did do.  Every step forward counts.  So, make some goals, write them down and put them some place you will see them daily.  If it’s a big goal map out the steps needed to get you closer…I like to use mind maps, click to see a basic sample of something you could use to get you started.

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Here is the video to November’s challenge.  You can do this a few different ways.  As you’ll see in the video you can do the hip raise with both feet on the ground or one foot, in the case of one foot you would do 50 each side.  Lets say you do 25 each side and then can’t possibly get another single hip raise out…put both feet down and finish off the other 50…challenge yourself to get better, this is your challenge, you do it the way you want to! 

A few instructions.

  1. Your feet should be just in front of your knees and when you press your hips up you want to have your knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line.  I often tell my clients if you don’t do the last 2in of this hip press you may as well just be laying there…the magic is in those last 2in!  You’ll feel it if you’re doing it right!
  2. Make sure your thighs/knees stay together-parallel to each other.  The non-working leg should not be straight up in the air…’glue’ them together if you are doing a single leg press.
  3. Hands are flat to the ground with palms down, try and keep all the work in your butt and thighs…don’t press up with your arms.
  4. As you press up squeeze your glutes(butt) and hamstrings(backs of thighs) and tighten your abdominal muscles.  When all the working muscles are contracted press up until your knees, hips and shoulders come into alignment, release and drop back down…repeat!

The hip raise is working your glutes, hamstrings, back and abdominal muscles.  It is a great way to work not only your backside but your abs too!  Take your time, make sure you are doing this right, don’t rush it and make sure and hit that last two inches!

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Alright people are you ready for this?!  I’m switching it up a bit and we’re now going to do monthly challenges, this will keep us all on the same page and provide more accountability.  So this month is a two part challenge.  If you’re a fan on Facebook you’ve already got the heads up on this if not head on over and become a fan by clicking here.  The first part of the challenge is to have at minimum 4 servings of veggies a day, a serving being 1/2 cup.  Did you catch that, at minimum 4 servings…that means on most days you can and should be adding more!

The second part of November’s challenge is 100 (total) single leg hip raises or 100 hip raises.  Your goal should be to work up to single leg and do 50 each leg, if you’re just starting out keep both feet on the floor.  Tomorrow I will be sending you more info with good tips on what veggies to stock up on and which ones to have in moderation along with some awesome health benefits that certain veggies can give you!  You will also get a video showing you exactly how to do a hip raise and why this is the exercise I chose for this challenge. 

These monthly challenges are a great way to get friends and family involved in with your healthy lifestyle or for YOU to get started on the path of healthy living!  So share em, challenge each other with them, have fun with it, make up new recipes and share them with us on Facebook!

So!  Tomorrow look for a video showing you exaclyt how to do a hip raise and progress it to a single leg hip raise for added difficulty as well as some good veggie choices and some added benefits that you may not be aware of!

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Your average 30 min tv show boils down to about 22min of actual show and about 8min of commercials.  This workout is for those 8min when those lovely ads are trying to get you to run out to your local health food store and stock up on veggies…yes, that is exactly what they are telling you ; )  Got TiVo…you’re are on own then!  So if you didn’t hit the gym, are looking for a little extra or want a way to jump start an exercise routine this one is for you! 

We will work in 2 min segments with the last bits of the 2 min being a stationary exercise so that if your show should come back on this will not interrupt your tv viewing pleasure : )

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Because it’s inappropriate as adults to have a temper tantrum and today, well, I’d pretty much like to just have one.  So here is my next best thing.  All things, slam, punch, push, pull and throw…my awesome little grown up version of a temper-tantrum…and you’ll only get looks from being such a badass not a crazy person who’s in the throws of a fit ; )

Let’s just keep the thinking to a minimum today and to 30sec of everything.  Repeat it 10x.

  • Medball slams
  • Plate push
  • Crunch and punch (5-10lb weights)
  • Heavy bag pull
  • Push-ups
  • Rope slams
  • Dynamax (or other soft/non bouncy medball) over head throw.  (you can throw in front of you, behind you or at a wall, just make sure you have the space)

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